Training & Education
Guidance and training on complex utility financial planning and cost of service for professionals.
UFS is a recognized leader in the utility field, and our expertise makes us well-equipped to help those in the industry grow their understanding of rates and finances.
Our team members regularly lead educational seminars, classes, and conferences for professional associations, organizations and agencies including the American Public Power Association (APPA), American Water Works Association (AWWA) and the American Gas Association (AGA).
Training Courses
Basic Cost of Service & Retail Rate Design
This introductory course covers traditional industry approaches to electric cost of service and retail rate design using fully-distributed, allocated cost methods.
Intermediate Cost of Service & Retail Rate Design
In this intermediate course, the course instructor will guide participants in completing a cost of service study using provided information and a cost of service model.
Advanced Cost of Service & Retail Rate Design
This hands-on course takes attendees through a traditional, fully-allocated cost of service exercise to obtain practical experience and knowledge of issues they may face during a cost of service study.
The Potential Impact of Smart Grid on Customer's Rate Structures
Modern issues are changing the way we manage and implement customer rate structures. This program addresses new and old rate forms and how utilities should prepare for the future.
Understanding New Approaches to Retail Rate Designs
For a variety of reasons, utilities are offering or considering new rate forms for customers. This session discusses industry trends, how rate structures are changing and types of rates that utilities are considering.
Industry Rate Trends and Future Rate Structures
The way utilities price electric services is changing. This session discusses industry rate trends and rate structures your utility may consider to meet future energy challenges.
Utility Ratemaking for Boards & Councils
This course takes participants through a traditional cost of service study, discussing how to use and relay the information to management and Board members when designing customer rates.
Overview of Utility Financial Operations for Boards & Councils
This session discusses key financial targets for ensuring long-term utility financial stability and ways to identify potential areas for cost reduction or improvement.
Financial Planning for Municipal Utilities (Full Course, 1.5 Days)
In this highly-interactive course, participants will learn about improving bond ratings, adequate cash reserves, key financial targets and more, ending with a financial planning exercise.
Financial Planning for Municipal Utilities (Abridged Course, 8 Hours)
This high-level financial planning course teaches participants techniques to evaluate the overall financial health of their utility.
Coping with Financial Challenges During Periods of Declining Sales
This session discusses policies that assist utilities in dealing with financial and rate design challenges resulting from reduced electric sales stemming from various sources.
Rate Structures to Create Revenue Stability During Tough Economic Times
This presentation covers policies that assist utilities in dealing with financial and rate design challenges resulting from reduced electric sales stemming from various sources.
Line Extension Policies (Contributions in Aid of Construction)
Line extension policies are often determined by the policies of nearby utilities, not the actual cost of extending services. This presentation covers alternative line extension policies and methods to identify the max contribution a utility should incur for a new service.
Developing Cash Reserve Policies
This presentation discusses alternative methods to develop cash reserve policies, which are critical to maintaining the utility’s financial stability and bond ratings.
Maintaining or Improving Utility Bond Ratings
This presentation focuses on factors that bond rating agencies consider when providing a utility with a bond rating, which helps reduce interest rates paid on debt.
Determining Utility Revenue Requirements
Revenue requirements determine the amount and timing of necessary rate adjustments. This presentation provides a greater understanding of one of the more confusing utility financial targets.
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Residential electric car charging stations pose technical, metering and rate issues for utilities. This presentation focuses on the implications of these issues and ideas for potential solutions.
Best Practices for Customer Rates (2020)
As technology continues to disrupt the electric utility business model, utilities are rethinking their rate structures to meet new customer needs and improve operational efficiencies. This three-part series explains how other public power utilities are implementing rate changes to promote growth, meet challenges, create savings, and properly recover costs.
Whether you’re experienced in developing rate strategies or new to this topic, you’ll receive practical insights to apply to your utility’s rate structures.
Financial Planning Econ Recovery (2020)
COVID-19 has upended utilities operations and planning from many angles—shifting and shrinking load, increasing expenses, and delaying or putting long-term projects into doubt. From an economic standpoint, utilities are faced with the double-sided quandary of needing to focus on revenue recovery and support affordability for customers facing similar challenges.
This series offers utilities practical financial planning guidance that ensures short-term solutions don’t disrupt long-term stability. Discuss alternative revenue recovery options, how to determine a fair payment to the city, and how other utilities are addressing the affordability issue.
Financial Planning Series (2019)
This three-part webinar series covers the ins and outs of financial planning for municipal utilities. Receive practical insights and real-life examples for using keys targets to improve or maintain your utility’s long-term financial health.
Coping with Financial Challenges During Periods of Declining Sales
This webinar discusses policies that assist utilities in dealing with financial and rate design challenges resulting from reduced electric sales stemming from various sources.
Overview of Utility Financial Operations for Board & Council Members
This webinar discusses key financial targets for ensuring long-term utility financial stability and ways to identify potential areas for cost reduction or improvement.
Rate Making for Utility Boards and City Councils
This webinar takes participants through the information provided by a traditional cost of service study, discussing how to use and relay the information to management and Board members when designing customer rates.
Development of Cash Reserve Policies
This webinar discusses alternative methods to develop cash reserve policies, which are critical to maintaining the utility’s financial stability and bond ratings.
Determining Revenue Requirements
Revenue requirements determine the amount and timing of necessary rate adjustments. This webinar provides a greater understanding of one of the more confusing utility financial targets.
Line Extension Policies (Contributions in Aid of Construction)
Line extension policies are often determined by the policies of nearby utilities, not the actual cost of extending services. This webinar covers alternative line extension policies and methods to identify the max contribution a utility should incur for a new service.
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Revenue requirements determine the amount and timing of necessary rate adjustments. This webinar provides a greater understanding of one of the more confusing utility financial targets.